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Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:01 pm
by Reknoc
I remember liking it at first aswell, I even thought Shadow was a good character. But that may be because I spent most of a holiday reading the Official Dreamcast mag that had a review and blow out on Sonic Adventure 2 and it got me so hyped I was blinded to the bad. Then when I looked back on it after the hype had gone and everything just hit me like a wet fish.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:00 am
by Retrix
Reknoc wrote:
ShadowPhantom wrote:But seeing as you apparently dislike Sonic a lot I can understand why you gave the game such a bad score.
fyi baseless accusations about how someone feels about a series is almost as dumb as saying people hate something because it's cool to hate it.

Though just because I can, allow me to humour you.
ShadowPhantom wrote:I don't understand why you hate Sonic games so much. Yes, SA2 had its problems and plenty of them, but I don't think it was nearly as bad as you make it out to be.
I don't. Had you been able to read you would have noticed I said some positive things about previous games.
I'm sorry, but I think dismissing ShadowPhantom as 'dumb' and 'unable to read' is a bit unfair. You have written a great number of disparaging remarks about Sonic and many Sonic games, considerably obscuring any occasional praise about the earliest ones. Suggesting that you have a negative general view of the Sonic franchise is not exactly a 'baseless accusation', hence why I wasn't too surprised at your assessment of SA2.
As entitled as you are to make it, few critics would give it a rating as low as 20%, irrespective of any apathy towards the series, but each to his own I guess.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:04 am
by Reknoc
I say alot of disparaging remarks about alot of things, current Sonic games included but if I did do a review of oh say, Sonic Rush Adventure, a series I'm constantly down on I'd expect it'd score somewhere around a 3 because the thing as a whole is enjoyable enough. No critic would give Sonic Adventure 2 at the time below 20% because critics can barely go below the 7/10 threshold, especially since they're afraid of a publisher not sending them stuff anymore (though I doubt SEGA has that kinda power). SEGA aren't sending me free shit so whatever, I have nothing to hold me back. I bet if many of them reviewed it now they'd be alot less forgiving.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:07 am
by Option
TF73 wrote:What I remember as negative though was a camera that at times can be rather frustrating.
That's a VERY common problem with Sonic games.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:41 pm
by Reknoc
Option wrote:That's a VERY common problem with Sonic games.
It's a pretty common problem with most 3D games. Though Sonic tends to suffer the most.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:57 pm
by BluePuyo
If this was made with humour in mind, then mission accomplished, because I did laugh. =P

What it did bother me were the modifications of the treasure hunts phases and the shootings phases.
On the treasure hunts stages, one of them was the limit of the radar, just one per time. What I liked about the first Adventure was that I could freely move and try to get the one I was passing by if the 2, or even the 3 were marked. This change forced me to look each corner A LOT. The first time I played this game, I couldn´t believe I lasted more than 20 minutes to complete these. More aggravating trying to get A ranks.
The Shooting stages; they were slower, stages were longer. Also, the ring energy system was replaced with a bar, which made the later stages a lot more difficult. Gamma´s gameplay was all the contrary, it even plays like a Sonic character, only with the shooting. The ranks, the same as above.
Even with these choices, it didn´t prevent me to get all the A ranks, and play the extra stage.

About the rest, I´m more in the "ok" side. I didn´t think the story was that great as everyone says. The same about voices, and the Chao Garden, which I never liked, but I needed to play it in order to get the rest of the emblems. =(
Music was great, not as memorable for me. It could have been a plus if it shared the same style of the first game.

It´s a good game at end. Nothing more, nothing less.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:01 pm
by Reknoc
BluePuyo wrote:If this was made with humour in mind, then mission accomplished, because I did laugh. =P

What it did bother me were the modifications of the treasure hunts phases and the shootings phases.
On the treasure hunts stages, one of them was the limit of the radar, just one per time. What I liked about the first Adventure was that I could freely move and try to get the one I was passing by if the 2, or even the 3 were marked. This change forced me to look each corner A LOT. The first time I played this game, I couldn´t believe I lasted more than 20 minutes to complete these. More aggravating trying to get A ranks.
The Shooting stages; they were slower, stages were longer. Also, the ring energy system was replaced with a bar, which made the later stages a lot more difficult. Gamma´s gameplay was all the contrary, it even plays like a Sonic character, only with the shooting. The ranks, the same as above.
Even with these choices, it didn´t prevent me to get all the A ranks, and play the extra stage.

About the rest, I´m more in the "ok" side. I didn´t think the story was that great as everyone says. The same about voices, and the Chao Garden, which I never liked, but I needed to play it in order to get the rest of the emblems. =(
Music was great, not as memorable for me. It could have been a plus if it shared the same style of the first game.

It´s a good game at end. Nothing more, nothing less.
:C you're a horrible person.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:04 pm
by Option
It was an alright game, but it hasn't aged well.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:07 pm
by Reknoc
Option wrote:It was an alright game, but it hasn't aged well.
Are we still talking about Chao Garden? Whatever man, I still put SA2 in my GC just to play Chao Garden. Then audiably sigh when I have to play the actual levels to get the Drives.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:32 pm
by Option
I was talking about SA2. I wasn't much of a Chao Garden fan myself, but that's just personal (genre) preference.