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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:53 pm
by Option
Reknoc wrote:Uh, very little of the main quests have been fetch quests. A fetch quest is a quest in which you do nothing but go from one area to another with very little involvement. Having to go through a dungeon to get an item is not a fetch quest. If you don't like going through dungeons then you may be playing the wrong genre.
I'm generally not much a fan of RPGs, and I didn't like Morrowind. Luckily, I didn't buy this game, but played it with a friend. =P
edit: this shouldn't be in the E3 section anymore.
Request granted.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:00 am
by Gonic
There was nothing wrong with oblivion besides the awful physics and occasional game breaking glitches (most of which have been fixed). Ps3 owners of oblivion really got shot in the foot tho.

My GF got skyrim recently. Made me wanna play it myself :D

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:41 am
by Reknoc
There is everything wrong with Oblivion. The game is ugly, the world is boring, the dialog atrocious (as well as the voice acting) , the main story boring, the main quest boring, most of the quests are boring, psychic guards, the melee combat is crap, archery is crap and magic is crap. Thankfully stealth was passable and the Dark Brotherhood quests were pretty good so the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood were the only redeeming thing about Oblivion.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:47 pm
by Gonic
Thats your opinion. I still enjoy Elder Scrolls IV alot.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:29 pm
by Matty
I played Oblivion When it first came out, thought meh, had luls getting horses to fight stuff but that was it

Picked up the GOTY for PS3 last year, again about 3 hours in & i was bored sh*tless, the story takes forever to get going (your in the castle for what? an hour?) Then you have a long trek across the map which is bad

Brought GOTY on Steam... Better, and i then found out that unlike Fallout you don't need to travel to a place to be able to fast travel, but can already do it! But by this time i've been that annoyed by it i can't actually get into it

Now Skyrim, it looks good, but i was preparing to be disappointed after Oblivion. But no its a hell of a lot more fun from what i played (storming some castle/fort or something) & i was amazed at how much better than oblivion it was

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:51 pm
by Reknoc
Well Oblivion is pretty much designed around fast travel. You'd get a quest that'd take you to the other side of the map, and you really have no choice to fast travel there because the world was so bland and boring. Which is very bad game design (though not worse than level scaling) since it can break immersion if you use it, but bore your to death if you don't.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:51 am
by Crow
I'm playing Skyrim on PS3 and it's not perfect. It's certainly an improvement over Oblivion though, which couldn't be patched at all.

Then I just realised that no game is perfect.

Anywho, Skyrim is ridiculous with its enemies and difficulty level. I play on Novice difficulty, mostly because if I bump it upto Apprentice, I just die every five seconds. I also don't get how a bear can be tougher than a dragon. A DRAGON. Oh and marriage. What the heck is with it, seriously? You don't even get to kiss your new wife/husband! Not that I wanted to see two Dunmer women kiss, but you get the point...

Oh and the game likes to save over files. I lost my awesome Orc because the game saved over my file. Seriously, after I finish the College of Winterhold questline with my Dunmer chick, I'm going back to playing as a male Orc. At least they don't die every five seconds.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:03 am
by Reknoc
What? Oblivion ran almost perfectly on the PS3, whereas Skyrim is a broken mess.

Also the game saving over your saves is a new one, are you sure you're actually manually saving and not just relying on the 3 autosaves? Because that'd be a really dumb idea as you need to have as many separate saves as possible... oh wait PS3, that'd quickly fill up your harddrive! lol.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:30 am
by Kaito-kun
huntergemini wrote:Anywho, Skyrim is ridiculous with its enemies and difficulty level. I play on Novice difficulty, mostly because if I bump it upto Apprentice, I just die every five seconds.

For some reason this was the first thing that came to my mind when I read that:


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:38 am
by Crow
Haha, yes, I'll admit I'm a bit of a loser for playing on an easy difficulty, but bear with me. I don't play games to be 'hardcore' or anything, I play for fun. Which is something a lot of people don't do these days (achievement/trophy whores and whatnot.) On top of all that, I generally suck at games. And you know what? I couldn't care less.

Reknoc, you're reffering to the huge file sizes of Skyrim saves, right? 'Cause right now, my save is over 9000KB. Oh and auto-saves are terrible. I try to save as often as I can, but sometimes I forget, die and have to revert back to a save from 5 hours ago.