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Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:39 pm
by Kaito-kun
RW26 BLAZE wrote:I be interested if sega let silver or blaze have their own game.
I think you misread the thread title. It's "games that should be made". Not "shouldn't be made".

A 3DS sequel to F-ZERO would be nice.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:09 pm
I know. it just me being lazy typing. I do know what u mean.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:03 pm
by Gavvie
Kaito-kun wrote:A 3DS sequel to F-ZERO would be nice.
Seeing as there's a fair few franchises which seem to be 3DS bound that haven't been seen for a while (Kid Icarus, StarFox), I wouldn't mind a new F-Zero as well.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:21 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
Kaito-kun wrote:I think you misread the thread title. It's "games that should be made". Not "shouldn't be made".

A 3DS sequel to F-ZERO would be nice.
Weren't you just saying in another thread that life would be boring if nobody had a different opinion?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:33 pm
by Reknoc
Should have just ended the thread with Waluigi. It should always be Waluigi time.

(it'd be a platformer in the same vein as Prince of Persia/Flashback)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:34 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
Flashback style would be quite odd, but interesting.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:36 pm
by Reknoc
Waluigi is so lanky and awkward looking that his game would have to be as awkward to control as possible so that'd either be like Prince of Persia... or like QWOP.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:38 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
On another note, I haven't played Wario Land: Shake It, so I can't speak for that one, but why the shit is there no section in the Wario Land games that allow you to drive his motorcycle yet? He's funny as hell on that thing.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:43 pm
by Kaito-kun
Wrath Oskvro wrote:Just because YOU don't think something should be made doesn't give you the right to talk shit about someone else's opinion in this thread. This thread is all about ideas.
Can you look me in the eye and honestly tell me that a game with Silver or Blaze as the protagonist would be a good idea for everyone involved?

Would it be a hit for SEGA? Would average joe gamer in the street think "This game is fantastic!"? Would fans of Sonic think "Wow! I'm so glad they took the Sonic franchise in direction!"? Do you, Wrath, really, really want to see more of Sonic's "Friends" in the spotlight? Particularly the more recent "Friends"?

Wasn't Sonic 4 demanded because people wanted to go back to the roots of the franchise, before most of these "Friends" appeared? Sonic Generations was celebrated by fans, gamers in general and critics alike. Heck, even Sonic Colours was seen in the eyes of Joe Everyman as one of the first good Sonic games for a while. Now, what did they all have in common? A much, much reduced role for the "Friends" and I know that I wasn't the only one who enjoyed them all the more for it.

And if this thread is all about ideas then surely we're allowed to say what we think about them? If it's good we can say "Hey! I like that idea!" and we can add to it, if it's bad then we can say "That's a terrible idea" and hopefully get a discussion going on why it's good or bad. Now, I hope that my reasons for thinking that it's a bad idea are now clear. I'll apologise to RW26 Blaze for the snarky comment - even thought it seems only you Wrath were offended by it - but I still think it's a terrible idea.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:45 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
Scroll up and read my post again, I revised it because I did come off as a bit harsh. And no, I wasn't offended by it. It really does not mean that much to me. Now calm your dick.