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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:33 am
by Midwinter
I would second Gonic's question. Hard to give advice when we aren't sure what life stage you are in.

I will tell you one thing regardless of life stage - life is not fair. Once I realized that it was a lot easier to be content. My parents favor ny brother and I'm actually happy they do. I think he needs some extra love and help whereas I turned my bitterness into being happy for them and finding the love I need elsewhere. I'm happily married now and it has helped me to be conscious about how I treat my kids and show then equal love.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:03 am
by Jackisback
That's a beautiful story and makes me happy to know that people can tern bitterness to love.

Got to be honest; that kind of gave me a little more hope for this reality in which we all live in.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:23 pm
by Mikurotoro92
*Status report*

He got mad at me AGAIN yesterday this time about me complaining about Nickelodeon desecrating a classic franchise with the new TV movie adaptation of the classic game show Legends of the Hidden Temple (which is true BTW I mean who turns a freaking GAME SHOW into a movie?!) He had absolutely no right to say that! I am just sick of Nick's over-reliance on classic 90's shows that's all I can't believe my so-called "family"!

Plus even though she won't admit it my mom is lazy there's always a pile of dishes to wash I told her just wash it immediately after you eat but she's so lazy she waits for it to pile up! I swear she sometimes acts more childish & immature then me!

My dad's life is sad too all he does is watch kids cartoons all day everyday!

That is why I like RS it's one of my only escapes from this horror that is my life!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:22 pm
by PTKickass
I also agree that to give better advice, you shold tell us at what point of life are you now.

You can always try and talk to him when he's more calm. But talk calmly. Ask him why does he have to be so mean with you.
That's what I do when things go wrong with my brother. I just wait a bit till he calms down and I talk to him. But remember to talk gently and don't be mean with him. Maybe things will get better after that.
You can also try to play something with him.

Also, when things go wrong, try and go for a walk. Call your friends and talk to them. That will cheer you up!

About the job, you can always try and do stuff for neighbors, like watering their plants, cut their lawn, babysitting...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:19 pm
by Mikurotoro92
Now I am in tears because I have to send my games back all because of my brother being bored! I'm freaking sick & tired of my mom forcing me to play through games fast without really getting to enjoy them! (the thing is if my brother wasn't so bored I bet I would get to keep games much longer especially since the rental service we use lets you keep games as long as you want with no late fees) She doesn't care about me only my brother I HATE MY LIFE I NEED to get out of this house so then I can make my own decisions about how long I can play my games! I have absolutely NO freedom in this house!

BTW for people who have been wondering I am a young adult!

EDIT: I REALLY wish my brother never went to Disneyland!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:25 am
by Jackisback
It's hard now. But, don't worry. Things always work out at the end. If this are to hot. then just;

Stay at peace

I believe in you.