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Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:28 am
by Wrath Oskvro
Can never have too many backups. A song I was working on a while back I lost the damn master file to so I have to make it all over again from scratch. x_x

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:48 am
by Quills on Wheels
Finally my Semester 1 Exams finished.... Now I've gotta study for the scholarship test coming soon... bah...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:34 pm
by TCB
That's alot of test you are taking.

For me, I have two more official days of school left, and nearly a whole week off for NYC high schoolers because of Regents exams. As a senior I'm really luccky; free week off for me. Except I have a Trig Regents to take. -_-

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:15 pm
by Dr Shaneman
MrEthernex wrote:Also locked my keys in my car today. Second time I've ever done that. Got to stand out in the parking lot of a Sports Authority for a good 30 minutes waiting for my buddy to deliver me the spare.
I still don't understand how people do this.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:35 am
by Quills on Wheels
TheChaosBlue wrote:That's alot of test you are taking.
Hah, tell me about it.

You've probably noticed that these days I might rarely come online. Reason for that is how busy I've been with all these tests and exams. Seriously, this is annoying.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:44 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
I feel like playing Metal Gear Solid 2..but alas, today is a music day. My goal today is to finish remastering 'Third Eye', recording the guitar and vocals and getting it online.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:57 am
by Killer French Bread
Moved back into the parents' house for the summer and was greeted with a haze of animal piss as I entered through the front door. The garage for some reason reeks of the stuff. I instantly suspected next door, I think I've mentioned them before on this forum as they're both mentals that live there. A psycho middle aged stalker with multiple sectionings to her name and her invalid, heroin addict son. My mum reckoned it was the electrics for some reason though and rang whoever supplies us. They sent instantly sent a gas man though thinking it was a leak!

But nothing, he couldn't find any leaks. He had another theory in fact - that next door was harbouring a MASSIVE RAT and the smell was getting through. He went round and knocked twice but no-one would answer. Not a surprise as it was the day time and those workshy nutters never usually rouse before 10pm.

My mum still thought it was the electrics though and got another man round to check them out.

Nothing. He tried all the circuits and everything was fine. But then he moved a few boxes and suddenly another horror was revealed. Running from the roof of the garage is a crack in the plaster about 4 feet long sodden with rodent piss. The urine is actually seeping through walls, no wonder it stinks! Went next door again, but of course no answer. Rambled through their overgrown desolate garden to peer through the darkened, grubby windows but no life could be seen. It must still have been too light for them to wake.

My mum says she's going to go round again tonight to 'have a word'. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

There's a massive rat living in that house, I just know it.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:27 am
by Whooa21
You must be pissed off, right??? I mean what house is that!!!
Also: Today I finished the exams and waiting for the results (No more school for me :P !!)

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:14 pm
by Killer French Bread
This story just keeps getting weirder. Okay me mam went round the nutters next door and there was no sign of a massive rat. But I'm still unconvinced. It turns out she does breed rats, except they are in a different room to the one connected to my garage. So it still seems a bit fishy to me. Also it turns out she is a serial hoarder and has a problem to the extent she is getting researchers in from that TV show about it next week. Apparently the house was full to the ceiling with cardboard boxes filled with mad crap the nutter had bought off ebay. That's what she does now, spends all night buying things from the internet and leaving it in boxes when it arrives.

My theory is some of those rats escaped and are living it up in all these cardboard boxes around the house. This woman shouldn't be allowed to look after a tin of beans, let alone live animals so there's no doubt in my mind they are being neglected and probably have to feed themselves. And I bet there's one massive rat living in the room just next my garage. The King Rat.

Anyway in other news, I wrote a review for a video game earlier, so I'll post that later when I've proof read it.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:30 pm
by TCB
Killer French Bread wrote:This story just keeps getting weirder. Okay me mam went round the nutters next door and there was no sign of a massive rat. But I'm still unconvinced. It turns out she does breed rats, except they are in a different room to the one connected to my garage. So it still seems a bit fishy to me. Also it turns out she is a serial hoarder and has a problem to the extent she is getting researchers in from that TV show about it next week. Apparently the house was full to the ceiling with cardboard boxes filled with mad crap the nutter had bought off ebay. That's what she does now, spends all night buying things from the internet and leaving it in boxes when it arrives.

My theory is some of those rats escaped and are living it up in all these cardboard boxes around the house. This woman shouldn't be allowed to look after a tin of beans, let alone live animals so there's no doubt in my mind they are being neglected and probably have to feed themselves. And I bet there's one massive rat living in the room just next my garage. The King Rat.

Anyway in other news, I wrote a review for a video game earlier, so I'll post that later when I've proof read it.
Okay...I have to say that is disgusting.

As for the review, quite detailed.