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Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:51 am
by richarddavies
I didn't know they were remaking Oddworld Strangers wrath till I read this. I well want it. ... -exclusive

EDIT: It's funny how the original game was an Xbox exclusiveand now there remaking it and it's a Sony exclusive.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:10 am
by Quills on Wheels
I WANT SONIC COLORS! AND SONIC THE HEDGEHGO 4! AND SONIC FREE RIDERS (But first I need to buy an Xbox 360, maybe a slim).

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:43 am
by Tru
I'm sure I posted in this thread, but I can't find it o_O

There are loads of games I always want, but sadly cannot afford. The ones that are must haves for me though are:

Fable 3
Golden Sun DS
Phantasy Star Online 2!!!!!!!!
Sonic 4
Sonic Colours

But if I can only have one of those, it'll have to be PSO2 ^_^

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:53 am
by Quills on Wheels
I wished I could get sonic adventure 2 somewhere! It's soo hard to fined it! Maybe Sega should make a collection which would contain both sonic adventure games.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:16 pm
by Sonic The Drunk
^^, my boy!

On topic, I am curious about Sonic 4 and Colours and am looking forward to the eventual release of the 3DS.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:55 pm
by richarddavies
Im actually quite looking forward to Hydrophobia on XBLA. It's not often a live or PSN title catches my interest but im looking forward to trying this. Im going to download the trial and if I get into it i've got some points waiting on my account to pick it up.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:05 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
For me, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Diablo 3 Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Sonic Colors, and Sonic 4.

Most of all though, definitely MVC3. :P I'm waiting impatiently for it.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:56 pm
by Shadid
- Everything Nintendo presented at E3;
- Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds;
- Street Fighter x Tekken;
- Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective;
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution;
- FireFall;
- Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I;
- Dead Rising 2;
- Ökamiden;
- Metal Gear Solid: Rising;
- Child of Eden;
- Sonic Colours;
- Portal 2;
- Dragon Age II;
- Dead Space 2;
- Phantasy Star Online 2;
- Guild Wars 2;
- Killzone 3

And last but not least...

- Duke Nukem Forever.

Yes, I bet on Duke.

Yes, this post again, but fix'd with newer ones I saw and played at PAX.
(Bold and Italic are the ones I played AND want, Italic the ones I played but kinda want, and Bold the ones I saw and want.)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:43 pm
by Gavvie
Ah, Ghost Trick, good choice. Anything by the makers of Ace Attorney is sure to impress ^_^

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:46 am
by Gonic
Atm, Just Sonic 4 and Colours