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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:19 pm
by Gonic
This force is strong in this one ^

But he's right, guns didnt work out for shadow (Though i quite enjoyed shadow the hedgehog). So i dont think they word work for sonic either :/

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:23 am
by Quills on Wheels
Wolfdemon59 wrote:Nope, sorry to disappoint but its a really stupid idea. I dont want to sound mean or anything but if you want to become the "Biggest Sonic Fan" like you say then you should know what's good and bad for Sonic and this is one of those bad ideas that no real Sonic fan would want.
But you are young you shall learn the ways as the years pass by my padawan. (Lol i hate starwars but i had an urge to use that word.)

Not even close but to be fair I have heard worse ideas from others.
If you really want to play a Sonic FPS theirs a mod for it on Unreal Tournament if i remember. I think someone already said that in this.
Allright! Just let me get this stright! I WAS NOT insisting on a sonic FPS game and I DO NOT want to play it! :mad: I just wanted to put some fun into this and maybe make some people say "Oh YEAH! Like that would ever happen but that would be a crazy spinoff" BUT NOOOOOOOOOO! Everybody thinks I meant that Idea and I was serios and now everybody is saying that my idea is stupid and I am not worth "Bigest sonic fan (In the world)". POEPLE! THAT WAS JUST A F**KING JOKE! If it wasn't funny, than fine, don't laugh but seriosly no need to be so fucy and say that "No real sonic fan would want that"! I SAY IT AGAIN! A JOKE!!11 :nono:

Well than... -_- now that I have said what I hope you people UNDERSTAND, I hope I didn't offend anybody and PLEASE, Dont Get so angry, It was just a stupid Idea I made out so people would see that This guy (In other words, ME) has a little sense of humour. Just once I wished somebody would have written " :biggrin: " or "ha,ha,ha" or "lol" but no.... :unsure: .

What ever you do, just please stop saying that this was a stupid idea and I am a bad Sonic fan.

Thanks for the people who listened and didn't. ^_^ :sonic: You are true sonic friends. :P


Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:38 am
by Tru
Perhaps you should have made it clearer in your original post it was a joke? :P

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:43 am
by Quills on Wheels
capncloudchaser wrote:perhaps you should have made it clearer in your original post it was a joke? :p

yes! ;) A JOKE! Thats exactly what it was and STILL is!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:05 am
by Gonic
We werent getting angry! You asked for our views and we gave them to you. Your the one getting angry sir.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:41 am
by Tru
The internet is forever a harsh, unforgiving jungle of death. Especially where blue hedgehogs are concerned :P

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:49 am
by RWDebara
Gonic wrote:We werent getting angry! You asked for our views and we gave them to you. Your the one getting angry sir.
^Yup None of us was angry,maybe the way you read our posts made it seem like that.
And you didn't say it was a joke in your first post, you said it was an idea and we gave you our opinions.
and no body said your not worth being the biggest sonic fan i just said you should know whats bad and good for Sonic if you want to become the biggest sonic fan. Your going to have alot of competition to earn that name theirs many out in the world who are obsessed with Sonic. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:51 am
by Quills on Wheels
/\ like me?

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:12 pm
by Gonic
I've been considered one of sonic's biggest fans...I've gone as far as to dress up as him. Lol

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:20 pm
by Page
Gonic wrote:I've been considered one of sonic's biggest fans...I've gone as far as to dress up as him. Lol
Knuckles cosplay for me in October at Expo! Just got to get my CyberDreds...
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