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Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:17 pm
by Kaito-kun
Gonic wrote:Why does it feel like the people against the idea of this merging thing are being told there wrong?

Or am I the only one who thinks this?
You're not the only one.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:23 pm
by Reknoc
Gonic wrote:Why does it feel like the people against the idea of this merging thing are being told there wrong?

Or am I the only one who thinks this?
Probably doesn't help that peoples reason against it is "huurduur there's an RP forum", like this forum hasn't been welcoming to weirdos anyway.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:29 pm
by Titans Creed
Gonic wrote:Why does it feel like the people against the idea of this merging thing are being told there wrong?

Or am I the only one who thinks this?
No-one has said you're wrong. the reason that have been mentioned, while in MY OPINION are fucking stupid, have been giving a reason to work around. Yet there are certain posts that have given flat out reasons against with no reason why, other then a flat out "fuck 'em". Which, to be frank, is not only rude, but also really insulting to those folks that are interested in that part of things.

Forum posts on certain topics exist because there is a certain want for it. That's why you'll see the likes of My Little Pony on forums, even though it has NOTHING to do with it. Sure people will complain, but at the end of the day, you're not using that particular area of the forum, so why does it matter?

At the end of the day, if there is a genuine complaint against a forum merger other than a personal dislike against particular forum posts, please speak up, I'd love to hear it and see where it can be improved/removed.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:31 pm
by RWDebara
Gonic wrote:Why does it feel like the people against the idea of this merging thing are being told there wrong?

Or am I the only one who thinks this?
I agree. It seems like any argument that the 'no' side brings up is immediately shot down by the 'yes' side. Also some of the people who say yes are members who aren't that active here. I know it sounds sort of dick-ish, but I think we should mostly take into consideration the arguments from active members.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:31 pm
by ResidentSD
Gonic wrote:Why does it feel like the people against the idea of this merging thing are being told there wrong?

Or am I the only one who thinks this?
I think that might be slightly unfair.

Obviously, Gavvie is for a merger. It's his site and he wants the forums to thrive and he thinks the way to do that is by merging the forums with some of our 'neighbours'.

Gavvie has stated that this is a democratic decision. However, he is as entitled to his opinion as everyone else. You don't have to agree with him, but hey - that's what having an opinion is all about!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:32 pm
by Kaito-kun
Fine then, ignoring that minor detail that people - myself included - picked up upon. Maybe some of us simply don't want to me merged? Maybe we simply like that RadioSEGA is separate from those other places? We like that RadioSEGA is it's own entity. Merging it feels like a huge step back in development. Surely we should be aiming to grow RadioSEGA and improve on it's own, not trying to become a small part of some homogeneous SEGA fansite blob. If we had wanted to join Emerald Coast, Sonic Wrecks or SEGA Media we would have joined already. Same with the folks there, if they wanted to be a part of RadioSEGA then they would have joined by now.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:35 pm
by Reknoc
That other forum is SAMMY
The weirdo members of that forum are the pachinko machines.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:37 pm
by Gavvie
OK then, let's go with your idea. How would you suggest improving RadioSEGA from this moment forwards? I'd really like to hear this.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:40 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
That's right to a degree, except some people don't like joining multiple forums so they pick just one or two. I wonder what the members of the other sites think about it.

edit: I replied late. That was to Kaito

First of all at this moment, I'm neutral but slightly leaning towards 'yes'. As far as an idea for improvement, how has this site been marketed if at all? In any form of art, or any community, it's all about the marketing. We do have the live shows yes, but are we advertised anywhere? It also depends on WHERE we're advertised. YouTube is obviously a huge place to advertise, so if the community makes videos on the YouTube channel that are actually worth watching, and will set us apart from others, that could bring in some new members. I'm just another member so I'm not sure where or how RS has been marketed, but there's always room for improvement regardless.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:58 pm
by RWDebara
Wrath Oskvro wrote:That's right to a degree, except some people don't like joining multiple forums so they pick just one or two. I wonder what the members of the other sites think about it.
Yes! Is anyone taking into consideration the members of all the other forums?