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Sonic fans are starting to annoy me

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:22 pm
by Gonic
So I just listened Fastfeet Media Epiosde (Gratz to Sound Reaper & Knukxy) And i heard one of the guest say 'Sonic 4 is fucked because of dimps' Im pretty sure Dimps Made the sonic advance games and the rush games and they were classic sonic games.

Granted sonic has had a bad few years with Sonic 2006 etc but cant we as sonic fans have a little more faith in the game develpors? Does this us a reason to say 'the new sonic game will be crap' before you have even played it for yourself just because sonic's last few games werent as good as the 2D ones? Look at sonic 4, SEGA are going out of there way to make the perfect sonic game for his fans and we still have people boycotting it for reasons I cant understand.

As for me. I see new sonic game, I wait for sonic game, then i pass my judgement even though im aware of the bad games sonic has been in the last few years.

Rant over. :P

Please Note this does not apply to every sonic fan. Im very aware there are a lot of sonic fans out there that dont act like this. If i have offended you then i am sorry.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:31 pm
by Wrath Oskvro
The Sonic fanbase is full of whiney bitches. That's basically all their is to it unfortunately. :\

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:47 pm
by Gonic
We should be thankful sonic is still having games made for him. Sonic Team/Sega could of easily said 'The hell with this' and stopped making sonic games just like that with all the bad rep the last few sonic games got.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:03 pm
by Sancho
Gonic wrote:If i have offended you then i am sorry.

You might want to have apologies for those offence about Sonic...

( :mad: ) i hope it's an isolated case because I wish there wasn't other pseudo-fan of Sonic ... I think that fans should embrace every new game, character, style with open arms and say that maybe he does not like, but to boycott this way is not worthy of calling itself a Sonic fan

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:04 pm
by Rayne
What was the last brilliant home console Sonic game you played?

Chances are it was released more than five years ago.

We're not whiners, we're realists. There hasn't been a great sonic game in ages, and Sonic Colours doesn't really look set to change that.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:10 pm
by Gonic
Well i really liked Sonic Unleashed. But thats just me. Wait till you play Colours. It might actually be good.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:28 pm
by ShadowPhantom
I'm on Gonic's side. Wait until the game comes out. Then play it and see what you think. You know the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Well, don't judge a Sonic game based on past failures, and don't judge it before it comes out.

I'm a big Sonic fan and I buy almost every Sonic game, crap or not. I even own the piece of crud known as Sonic '06. But I do not judge the game before I've played it. When I bought Sonic '06 everyone said it was bad, but I wanted to see for myself.

Sonic Colors looks like an excellent game to me, but I'll decide once I've played it.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:01 pm
by Matty
im pessimistic about these next few sonic games
sonic heros was the last game i enjoyed (well borderline enjoyed)
before that it would have to be sonic 3D

nowadays the devs are too bothered about the graphics and using the consoles speciality (like on wii, using motion control or w.e)

sonic games should go back to how they were in the 8/16bit days
sonic 4 does look promising but the graphics look like a sort of half assed job

also the fact its coming out in episodes doesn't please me, i buy a game i want a full game not half of one then pay more £££ a few weeks/months down the line

pissed me off when they did it on the mobile so i just ended up downloading it off limewire (yeah when limewire was cool and wasn't full of porn or viruses)

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:13 pm
by Gavvie
I think people dislike Dimps because they use a lot of speed boosters to get Sonic up to his max speed, and Sonic 4 is reusing that design idea.

It is a bit of a shame, because it's taking away the fun of getting Sonic up to speed yourself, but on the flipside, all the 3D Sonics had it as well. What dya reckon the pads on the floor were for? Show?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:25 pm
by Kaito-kun
Someone who constantly whines and complains about something can't really be called a fan of it can they? If it was a band and a person kept saying that all of their albums and concerts are crappy then they would be the complete opposite of a fan, right? So why do these people complain about something so much when no-one is forcing them to like it? If they don't like how Sonic has been over the past few years why don't they just move on and stop bugging everyone?

Edit: Re: Dimps: Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic Rush were great games!