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RadioSEGA Review: Sonic The Hedgehog "2006" (PS3/X360)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:48 pm
by Shadid
(Kudos to Reknoc for making me think of the final flaws of the game, now I can properly review this without finishing the game twice)

Back in 2006, SEGA and Sonic Team wanted to invision a new way to celebrate Sonic's 15th Anniversary. We got Sonic Riders, an okay game. Then Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, an awful port of the original game. Then SEGA announces a game that will stay in the memory of many gamers alike.

(Plus, anyone who guesses how many times I typed "loading", gets a bonus.)
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Developer: Sonic Team
Publisher: SEGA
Release: Between November 14th, 2006 and March 23rd, 2007

So, what's probably wrong with Sonic '06? Many stuff, but I'll address the stuff that won't matter, like the multiplayer. First of all, the modes are too slim and have no variety. Especially tag mode, when you need to help your partner to clear a stage. Problem? If one player loses all lifes and if the other has all lives, the game ends. Yes SEGA, you took my money for a broken multiplayer. But that's not all. Let's Get this rollin'.
Well, I can see why SEGA tried a different approach of Sonic's story. They wanted it to be a child's story, friendly for all ages and etc.


They didn't have to make it THIS BAD. First of all, a innocent little hedgehog stumbles upon a city where a princess is kidnapped by an evil genius that's trying to collect a certain gem that will activte some special being to cause havoc on that city and become his own, mixing time travel with it, which leads to time paradoxes. Before you object, I just wanna say that the next quote has nothing to do to previous Sonic games, just to prevent hate posts.
Click to reveal
Now, onto the main point.


Now, SEGA has been getting hits and misses since Adventure came out. Yes, the levels were fun, hub worlds were a mess. Adventure 2/Battle, mostly the Tails/Eggman levels. Heroes is mostly the hard levels and the complicated way to get to the final story. Shadow required a LOT OF PATIENCE to get all endings, plus the guns. Now, the main flaw in '06? EVERY. DAMN. THING. (plus 2 extras.)

First off, hub worlds were designed to screw you over. Yes, they make you remember Sonic Adventure and all, but it's poorly designed and programmed, even if the game was rushed to Christmas. Plus, the medals won't do NOTHING unless earn you some sort of "achievements" ingame. Even if you're playing most of the levels.
And Town missions are kinda dull, Because of the pattern.

Question -> Loading -> Intel -> Loading -> Do mission and clear and/or fail -> Loading -> Congrats -> Loading -> Back to Hub World

...EVERY. TIME. Especially if it's guessing missions, it gets worse.

Part 2 of the gameplay in the next post.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:09 pm
by Shadid

And then we go to the levels.

...After 20 seconds of loading. Plus 30 if you're doing the PS3 version.

Now, this is what baffles me. ST wanted to make a Adventure-like experience, right?
Now, suggestion: If you're making a game for a console that's yet to come out, don't say "We'll release this RIGHT ON THIS SCHEDULE". Because it WILL be released with many bugs.

I mean, this was a SANDBOX, not even a game, and plus, most of the levels (and characters) were annoying. SILVER, for example. His slowness in Dusty Desert is painfully long, and it took me 47 MINUTES to clear that stage without the ball glitch, I mean it's painful without that. And in all that is Bayonetta, why is Sonic slow? Even Blaze can be a better character (the spin jump ruined it, but still a fun character to play), and the MAIN character is slow? Claps, SEGA. You deserved them. In a bad way.

Oh, and the gems? I have one close intel that may surprise you. There was supposed to be one gem that turned you into Super Sonic in stages.


Well, nothing much to say in this department, music's all great and all, level stages are fun too. Some could be in a loading screen.
But I must mention this: His World is the most overused main theme song in EVERY SONIC GAME EVER. Seriously, Main Menu, Character Select, Results, Final Boss. It gets annoying after a while.


Although I am aware this was rushed, I still think ST could've outdone themselfs on this one. And they still did, in a terrible way. '06 might not be the worst of every game released to date, but it's up there, along with many others. If they thought they could do justice to Sonic's 15th, they thought wrong.

Heck, even on my 15th, I went to PAX. That was more awesome than anything ever. The Sonic franchise didn't deserve that kind of gift. Seriously.

Overall Score: 1/5

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:40 pm
by Reknoc
Very nice...


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:52 pm
by RWDebara
7 times you used the word loading...

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:12 am
by Gavvie
Shadid wrote:But I must mention this: His World is the most overused main theme song in EVERY SONIC GAME EVER. Seriously, Main Menu, Character Select, Results, Final Boss. It gets annoying after a while.

Seven Rings in Hand. Used near as dammit everywhere except the levels in Sonic & the Secret Rings.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:29 pm
by Quills on Wheels
^Actually Seven rings in hand wasn't used in the Multiplayer eider. ....and the special book. ... and the start screen... .


Maybe the reason Sega wanted to make a relation between a male hedgehog and a female human was because they wanted to know what would have happened if they would have gone with the idea of Sonic having a Human GF before Sonic was created.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:32 pm
by Reknoc
Seven Rings in Hand made me want to snap the disc in half... the gameplay is what caused me to do it.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:15 pm
by RWDebara
Biggest sonic fan wrote:
Maybe the reason Sega wanted to make a relation between a male hedgehog and a female human was because they wanted to know what would have happened if they would have gone with the idea of Sonic having a Human GF before Sonic was created.
Reknoc wrote:Seven Rings in Hand made me want to snap the disc in half... the gameplay is what caused me to do it.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:24 pm
by Quills on Wheels
Reknoc wrote:Seven Rings in Hand made me want to snap the disc in half... the gameplay is what caused me to do it.
Atleast the Crush 40 version DID make it A little bit better.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:27 pm
by Titans Creed
Biggest sonic fan wrote:Atleast the Crush 40 version DID make it A little bit better.
No. The only thing that made that song even slightly bareable was the Bentley Jones version.