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Review - Deadpool The Game

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:03 am
by kadosho
Marvel + High Moon Studios / Rated M

Action! You are Wade Wilson, guy for hire (or bad guy if you roll that way). On a quest to well pretty much anything. From taking down baddies, to spending time with the ladies. Deadpool is a really bizarre trip through this character's misadventures.

Push my buttons! There is QTE within this games design. Usually its timed just right "Shenmue" style. With ability to slice n dice, or fill baddies with lead. Wade can also teleport (yeah just like that Elf guy).

Gameplay - Each mission is delivered by Wade (and the voices in his head). Yes you heard right, Wade has voices in his noggin. They tell him to do stuff, or even sing off key. What is this game about? Just anything really, its a fun action happy super fun time game.

Is it fun? I dare say yes! It may be bizarre, but hey so is Deadpool. *oh and there are some guest stars from parts of the Marvel Universe, but hey you want to play DP.