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Chickaroo Reviews - Flicky (Genesis)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 1:05 pm
by chickaroo1
A cute arcade game where you save birds from cats? What could possibly go wrong?Game: Flicky
Systems: Genesis, Arcades
Release Dates: Arcades: 1984
Genesis: 5/1/91
Developers: Sega
Free the Birds!
Gameplay: The gameplay is rather very simple. Almost too simple. You play as a bluebird and is trying to capture his little chick friends and getting them out of the house. There are some enemies to avoid, such as cats and other creatures roaming the house.
When collecting the birds, they appear as a long train behind you. This is where the difficulty comes it to play. If they or you get hit, they scatter around and you have to go back and collect them all again without getting hit again. It can be difficult, but fun.
A Rather Pixelated Mess
Graphics: This game was originally an arcade game ported to the Genesis. It’s very colorful and somewhat cool to look at. The bright green wall just hurts a little. Especially since your bird is blue and the chicks you’re picking up are yellow. It’s alright looking.
Oh Those Sound Effects
Music: The music that plays in the background is rather cute and relaxing. But the sound effect for when you die is just weird and unappealing. But nonetheless, a pretty okay soundtrack.
A Classic Arcade Game?
Overall: Flicky is an alright game. It can be fun for a little while, but it can get rather boring after a while. This game is meant to be played in small sessions, like its arcade counterpart.
3 / 5

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 9:10 pm
by kadosho
The direct port within the Genesis collection (PS3/360) is so rich and a bit crazy. The framerate is so fast, it takes a fast eye + hand motion to keep up. But a fun lil game ^_^