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Joypolis Majority Stakeholder

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:54 pm
by Midwinter
Joypolis now has a new majority stakeholder leaving the Sega division to only retain 15% now. I'll be curious to see if this impacts the remaining Japanese locations or only the Chinese locations.

Need to get back out and see the Initial D game that features real vehicles.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:40 am
by RikDraws
I always meant to visit Joypolis if I ever got to be in the area. Hopefully it'll stick around but it won't be the same really if it's not all sega.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:43 am
by Kaito-kun
Been to Odaiba a few times, but I've never fancied checking out Joypolis. Seemed a little expensive for what it was. I'd rather head back to any random Club SEGA and hit up the regular arcade cabinets.