RadioSEGA Fan Choice Awards 2021 - Official Announcement
As we're now in the thicket of another year coming to a close, big plans from us as 2021 winds down. Enter FAN CHOICE SZN.
This weekend kicks off our Fan Choice Awards 2021 period, where ultimately our listeners get to determine what will become the Song and Remix of the Year come the end of December. Before then, is the nomination process, which will end on 6th December for both categories. Remix of the Year nominees have been revealed periodically on SEGA Mixer Drive the past couple months, with the final two and full nominee list revealed during the season finale episode on 5th December.
Meanwhile, as tradition, YOU will determine 2021's Song nominations
by way of choosing your top 5 favorite SEGA/Atlus song tracks from eligible game OSTs released between December 2020 to November 2021.
Head to this survey link and CORRECTLY follow the instructions in listing your song picks
from now to 6th December. The 10 songs with the most cumulative number of points will then become the 10 final nominees in Song of the Year.
But "what are those eligible soundtracks" you ask? Good question! Here's the game names you can pick tracks from:
Also be sure to listen to RadioSEGA this Wednesday, 10th November at 8pm GMT (9pm CET/3pm EST/12pm PST) as SEGA Lounge host KC presents a Manic Jukebox special featuring music from the many soundtracks eligble in this year's contest! Maybe you'll find your picks from his selection?
6th November, 2021 - 22:37 GMT
Article viewed 2849 times
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