Search found 26 matches

by SEGANut
Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:39 pm
Forum: SEGA Directory
Topic: Segatronic addiction
Replies: 4
Views: 21844

Sorry to double-post, but...


That follow-up album is happening! We just started our first track not too long ago, and we HOPE (Keyword: HOPE!!) to have it for RadioSEGA and SoundCloud by Christmas time...
by SEGANut
Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:40 am
Forum: SEGA Directory
Topic: Segatronic addiction
Replies: 4
Views: 21844

TheChaosBlue wrote:So I take it this is more of a private distribution, since regular members won't be able to listen to these songs ourselves anytime soon?
NOT ANYMORE!! ... -addiction

The whole album can now be found, and heard, on my SoundCloud Account!
by SEGANut
Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:46 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: What Are You Playing Now?
Replies: 2493
Views: 2365329



This is what I'm playing right now.
by SEGANut
Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:34 pm
Forum: SEGA Directory
Topic: Segatronic addiction
Replies: 4
Views: 21844

Segatronic addiction

Album 1 Cover.jpg This is an album me and my girlfriend worked on for RadioSEGA. We also worked on it for iTunes, but technical difficulties are holding us back... The list of songs included: 1) " The One Every SEGA Album Needs " (Green Hill Zone, Sonic 1) 2) " I Will Avenge You, Father... " (Main ...
by SEGANut
Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:10 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: What are you listening to now?
Replies: 913
Views: 818233

Spin 'n Puke from "Gex" ( 3DO, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn ) [video=youtube;M17cmO8UvpU][/video] To be honest, I've never played this game. I DO feel like playing it, but with its mixed reception of gamers either liking it or hating it, I'm not sure ...
by SEGANut
Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:26 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: What are you listening to now?
Replies: 913
Views: 818233

Main Theme - Wild Woody (SEGA CD)

I swear, this is the song that I will play until my dying day. I've listened to it so much, my family expects what to hear at the very first drum beats.

The only way it could get any better would be if somebody made an awesome remix of it.
by SEGANut
Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:06 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: The Officially Unofficial "Whose Line is it Anyway?" Topic
Replies: 2
Views: 3269

The Officially Unofficial "Whose Line is it Anyway?" Topic

Because Doctor Who has his own topic, so why the hell not? Anyway, what can you say about Whose Line? It's literally the Holy Grail of Improv comedy. It has a funny-as-hell cast, memorable episodes, extraordinary on-the-spot musical numbers, a great amount of celebrity guests, and of course, all ...
by SEGANut
Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:54 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie chat
Replies: 283
Views: 119038

Last movie I saw was Dumb and Dumber.

Because apparently there's a sequel in the works.

It wasn't too bad. Heck, I found myself laughing at a few bits.
by SEGANut
Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:50 pm
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: What are you listening to now?
Replies: 913
Views: 818233


CAUTION: Language and innuendo. Of course, being this is The Internet, you should be used to it... :rolleyes:
by SEGANut
Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:13 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: What Are You Playing Now?
Replies: 2493
Views: 2365329

The last game I played was earlier today. Played a round of ClayFighter: The Sculptor's Cut for The Nintendo 64. I was playing as Earthworm Jim, and just as I reached the final opponent (In Jim's case, it's Ickybod Clay), the game started glitching up and I had to turn it off... Curse you, Game ...