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At RadioSEGA we're always looking for new ways to let our community get involved. With RadioSEGA LiVE there's a few ways you can do just that…

Interact with RadioSEGA LiVE

Don't just listen to RadioSEGA LiVE - be part of it! Our show presenters want to hear from you, whether it be for music requests, comments on show topics, or anything else SEGA and video game related. Not only that, but you can also communicate with the RadioSEGA community as they listen to our live shows too!

You can get in touch with us via any of the following 5 methods:

  • The RadioSEGA IRC channel - The quickest, easiest and fastest way to interact with RadioSEGA LiVE is via the RadioSEGA IRC channel. Our presenters are always in there during live shows, along with many of your fellow listeners, so it's the perfect way to interact with us and everyone listening!

  • Twitter - Our DJs have access to the @RadioSEGA Twitter account, so you can get in touch with us via the popular micro-blogging service. We also post news and show information to our Twitter page, so make sure you follow us!

  • Facebook - Become a fan of RadioSEGA on Facebook, interact with our other fans, plus send us your comments by posting on our wall!

  • RadioSEGA Message Boards - All of our presenters are members of the RadioSEGA Message Boards, and many of our shows also have related forum threads, so get involved with those, or you can simply get in touch via the private messaging function on the boards!

Our current DJs:

Gavvie (from Saturday Night SEGA)

Rexy (from SEGA Mixer Drive)

Skyblaze (from The Hidden Palace)

GreenViper8 (from Pick n' Mix)

TheSegaHolic (from The SEGAGuys)

Got a show idea? Want to present a show?

We hope you enjoy all of the shows we bring to you as part of RadioSEGA LiVE. However, if you have an idea for a show and want to be part of the RadioSEGA LiVE hosting team, we want to hear from you!

Obviously, we're only looking for people who are committed to presenting their show on RadioSEGA. Hosting a show is a lot of work and requires a lot of effort and commitment. If you're not serious about presenting a show, and cannot commit to doing it regularly, please don't get in touch with us. We also expect a very high standard from our hosts as we want to bring our listeners the best SEGA radio station that we possibly can. Therefore, making an application to present a show does not guarantee you will get on the air.

Still interested? Get in touch with us. Email GreenViper8 at viper [ at ] radiosega [ dot ] net.

Want to write for our website?

We also aim to deliver high quality written and video content in the form of our original features. Are you as passionate about SEGA as we are and want to share your memories, opinions or views on the company’s past, present and future? Are you able to commit to delivering a piece of text or a high quality video in a regular basis? In that case, get in touch with us so we can see what you’ve got to offer!

For any general inquiry, you can reach GreenViper8 at viper [ at ] radiosega [ dot ] net.

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