So what do you drink?

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So what do you drink?

Post by Matty »

sat here drinking some smirnoff ice & thought i'd ask what you like to drink

so ill start

Fosters (bottle or pull, not keen on can)
WKD Blue & Irn Bru
Smirnoff Ice (1st bottle ever & im fucking loving it)
Bacardi/& Coke
Jack Daniels/& Coke

few more i want to try so probably will end up getting shitfaced one weekend with a mate trying em all :3
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Post by Kaito-kun »

Bear urine. Turns you into a real man.


I'm teetotal so I stick to your typical soft drinks. I'm quite fond of sparkling flavoured waters.
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Post by sggg chalky »

I bought some Yamazaki japanese whiskey after playing Yakuza.
That tastes nice with coke.
You can get the 10yr from Sainsburys for around £30
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Post by richarddavies »

Stella mainly. Don't really drink much else unless im out and then it's stella and shots. Any shots.
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Post by The Captain »

I'll list my entire drinking history sometime, but basically my tastes started sweet and got really bitter. I've had three signature drinks over the years: Strongbow (when it was bittersweet, not the crappy syrup it is now), then Coors Light, and these days Guinness.

Drinks I gravitate to today:

Guinness - My signature drink. Actually, to be honest, my signature drink is probably...

Guinness Original - Like Guinness, but slightly stronger, slightly cheaper, slightly more bitter with slightly more bite. Nice.

Bottled Ales - I like to treat myself by buying and trying new ales. Maplemoon is one of my current favourites, and I'll get Hobgoblin if it's on offer. Shepherd's Neame bring out all these seasonal ales; Summer Ale, Autumn Ale, Christmas Ale, which are basically the exact same drink with a different label, but it tastes good. In particular, I tend to gravitate more toward...

Badger Brewery Draughts - Golden Glory and Golden Champion are great for summer drinking, they're really peachy and fruity. I go for the more bitter stuff too, like Fursty Ferret. Blandford Fly is awful though, it tastes like weak beer with ginger nut biscuits crushed and mixed in. Blegh. ANd THAT'S the one that just won an award. Alright then.

Coors Light - Budweiser - Miller - When in need of a light lager, eg sunny days, I reach for this. I have a scar on my arm from trying to open a stubborn twist-off Miller bottle with it, that was turd. Bus Ice is fantastic, but rare. Bud Silver was really smooth and pleasant and came in awesome grip-moulded bottles but I don't think they make it anymore.

Foster's Scuba - On semi-rare occasions. Hate regular Foster's, it's like pisswater, but for some reason the Scuba version is okay, if there's nothing else available, and it's dirt cheap too.

Desperados - Strong tequila beer. It's very sweet, but not in a sickly way. Very lemony, but not in a Smirnoff Ice way. Better than alcopops like Smirnoff Ice 'cause it's real beer. This is one of my semi-signature drinks. Recently a competitor called Amigos was released, it sits next to Desperados on Morrisons' shelves, but avoid this Amigos: it's got a much cheaper, more artificial and inferior taste.


Jack Daniels
- Haven't had one in nearly a year as I stick to pints these days, but I do like JDs and similar over scotch, which strikes me as a bit sickly.

Morgan's Spiced Rum - Now and then I'll buy a bottle of this. It's light, fragrant and spicy. S'good.

I'm also fond of tequila, but the problem is, over here, all tequila is cheap, chemical-laden crap, which is where the "awful hangover" legend of tequila comes in. GOOD brands like Cabo Wabo (apparently hangoverless), Patron etc aren't available over here. I did find a very very good one in Casco Viejo Reposado 100% Agave but Sainsbury's stopped selling it and switched to Sauza, fuxache.

Finally, if you're reading this and don't drink, don't start. Drinking ain't worth the wasted cash, weight gain (I'm mostly thin again after a ton of work), hangovers, feeling-crap-every-day and genuine health issues you have - this month I was in pain with stomach ulcers so bad it'd wake me up at night, it came on after a night's drinking.

Don't drink, kids.
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Post by Killer French Bread »

Stella, but if the pub is one of those cheapskate places that don't sell it then a Kroney. I like a bitter every now and then too, don't really mind which - probably prefer Tiger - but for some reason people find that weird, which I think is a bit harsh because loads of people drink Guiness, which is what, stout, that's an old man drink too! Yet everyone who drinks that seems to be proud of it for some reason. I'll have an ale, I think the one on tap at my local is something to do with Rams. Also it's £3.15 a pint round my way.

Will force down some shots if I'm really forced into it, but don't drink sprits much since I was about 18 and got so paraletic on my mate's parent's sprit cupboard that I ended up in hospital, with scars all over my back from fighting some guy who was much bigger than me. I have no memory of any of the incident myself, the last think I can recall to mind is opening a door in some guy's face at the newsagents, which I thought was a fair enough accident, but the guy was pretty angry, shouting the door was made of glass.
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Post by Tru »

I don't drink often, I don't really enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks, although I've experimented with a few to see what I do like.. And there isn't much :P

I'm not totally teetotal though, I'll have the odd drink here and there for special occasions, but they don't happen very often, maybe a few times a year. If I do go out and have a alcoholic drink, then I'll only have one per night. Most of the time I just stick with coke :)

I did go out one night with a bunch of students and some lecturers from my Uni, and one lecturer, who is well known for his drinking, offered to buy everyone a drink, but when he found out that I didn't drink much, he refused to buy me anything alcoholic and lectured me on how bad drinking is ^_^

I don't think I'm missing anything by not drinking. I'm happy with Shandy!
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Post by Option »

Kaito-kun wrote:I'm teetotal so I stick to your typical soft drinks. I'm quite fond of sparkling flavoured waters.
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Post by Mena »

I'm not really too fussy about what I drink, though I don't go anywhere near beer or wine. I'm pretty fond of cider these days, as well as most mixers, Sourz/Mickey Finns, and alcopops. For spirits I quite like the taste of Malibu to drink straight and Smirnoff Vodka. As for cocktails I can drink Pina Coladas all day ^_^

I think I drink too much.
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