Chickaroo Reviews - Alice: Madness Returns (PS3)

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Chickaroo Reviews - Alice: Madness Returns (PS3)

Post by chickaroo1 »

Alice is back and is trying to recover from the events in the first game. But now Wonderland is more twisted and insane than ever. Can Alice save Wonderland once more?Game: Alice: Madness Returns
Systems: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Dates: 6/14/11 (NA), 6/16/11 (EU)
Developers: Spicy Horse
You Cannot Escape…
Story: After the events of American McGee’s Alice, Alice is cured from the madness, but she is still having hallucinations of Wonderland. She then goes to Dr. Bumbly, a children’s psychiatrist to get some help. His method of helping is hypnotizing his patients to forget their pains and their past. As Alice was walking out of his office, she starts to hallucinate and ends up in Wonderland once again and boy have things changed since then. There’s a train running rampant and Alice decides to stop the train.
Oh. This is SO Much Better!
Gameplay: The game is now a 3D platformer, much different from the original game. Alice is free to roam about in any direction she pleases. She can jump and double jump and triple jump too! This is very helpful when jumping to a pretty far away platform. Alice can only float for a limited amount of time before she ends up falling to her doom. She also has a shrinking ability. By holding down the R2 button, Alice can become doll size and can get to small areas and doors. While in shrink mode, you may notice some drawings that show up. They act as signs for what’s coming up, be it goodies or enemies. Also, you can also see some invisible platforms too. They’re highlighted in purple and you can walk on them without the shrink on, they’re outlined in tiny rose petals. Normally these paths lead to collectibles.
Just like every platformer in the universe, there are collectibles. Many of them. From memories to goodie baskets full of teeth. Teeth is the game’s currency. You can use the teeth to upgrade your weapons. The memories you collect are recorded lines of people from Alice’s past. Be it her family, her aunt, her doctor or someone else. They are hints of what Alice had been going through. There are also bottles to collect but they don’t do much I don’t think.
The combat system has changed dramatically too. Since the game isn’t set up like the last one, this is where combat got a little bit better. There is now a proper lock on system, and now it’s all about beating the snot out of your enemies with the vorpal blade and other new toys. There’s a deadly hobby horse, a teapot with super hot tea, a pepper grinder gun and more. They’re all unique and cool.
Breathtakingly Beautiful
Graphics: This game is beautiful. The one thing that makes this game stand out from the rest is the art direction. It’s fantastic! It’s very detailed, Alice looks much better this time around too. Her hair is very detailed and flows perfectly. She also has new outfits for almost every level she’s in. All the characters have a crazy and kooky design to them, making them really unique.
Music: The music is pretty good. It’s more calm and collective than the last game. It’s very pretty to listen to. Sometimes relaxing, sometimes intense.
Music is composed by Marshall Crutcher.
Can You Handle The Madness?
Overall: Alice: Madness Returns in my opinion, is a great game. It’s beautiful and plays wonderfully. It’s smooth and wonderful to look at. The voice acting is fantastic. I kind of don’t know why people didn’t like this game. But we all have different opinions.

5 / 5
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