Crazy idea, but what do you think of a Sonic the hedgehog first person shooting game?

Strictly SEGA related discussion.
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Sonic The Drunk
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Post by Sonic The Drunk »

Biggest sonic fan wrote:Allright! Just let me get this stright! I WAS NOT insisting on a sonic FPS game and I DO NOT want to play it! :mad: I just wanted to put some fun into this and maybe make some people say "Oh YEAH! Like that would ever happen but that would be a crazy spinoff" BUT NOOOOOOOOOO! Everybody thinks I meant that Idea and I was serios and now everybody is saying that my idea is stupid and I am not worth "Bigest sonic fan (In the world)". POEPLE! THAT WAS JUST A F**KING JOKE! If it wasn't funny, than fine, don't laugh but seriosly no need to be so fucy and say that "No real sonic fan would want that"! I SAY IT AGAIN! A JOKE!!11 :nono:

Well than... -_- now that I have said what I hope you people UNDERSTAND, I hope I didn't offend anybody and PLEASE, Dont Get so angry, It was just a stupid Idea I made out so people would see that This guy (In other words, ME) has a little sense of humour. Just once I wished somebody would have written " :biggrin: " or "ha,ha,ha" or "lol" but no.... :unsure: .

What ever you do, just please stop saying that this was a stupid idea and I am a bad Sonic fan.

Thanks for the people who listened and didn't. ^_^ :sonic: You are true sonic friends. :P

Sarcasm and jokes cannot be understood through text unless you warn us, we're not mind readers. Just keep it in mind for future reference. :nono:

I could understand a Shadow the Hedgehog 2 (though I never finished the original), if they clean up glitches. I don't even think the gun element was a bad thing for Shadow, it just wasn't implemented properly.


No Regrets!
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Post by Quills on Wheels »

Gonic wrote:I've been considered one of sonic's biggest fans...I've gone as far as to dress up as him. Lol

I do that somehow too...! I got 2 pairs of pigamas. 1 is blue as sonic and the other is black and red. I also usually were Blue cloths or black and red cloths. But Getting off topic. :P

OK, OK! Maybe I do own you an apolegy. actually I own everybody and apology. Maybe you're right and I didn't put "JOKE" In my first post... :unsure: . I geuss I do sometimes get over myself annd over do it. But you must admit, you do get sad when you just want people to laugh with you and insted they tell you that it was a stupid idea and ... .
But now you know that it was meant to be a joke. So, I geuss I am sorry and Next time I will put "JOKE" in my next crazy idea.

So, truce? :rolleyes:
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Post by Tru »

You don't need a truce, no one is fighting :P

We're an awesome bunch here.
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Post by Quills on Wheels »

CapnCloudchaser wrote:We're an awesome bunch here.

I Agree :P

Post by tasmwill »

Well, it is not a bad idea (hold the rocks before throwing them for a moment). In two words for a FPS with fast speed:

Mirror's Edge

Let me just consider the high speed and jumping scenes, we could add the wallrun too. They can be done easily. The spin would be something hard to do, as when you do this at Mirror's Edge the screen spins too, but that on a high speed would be horrible.

The environment would be a challenge, Mirror's Edge has a unique artwork, that fits pretty well the game, with few colours. For Sonic, there would be a lot of changes.

Ok, shooting. Even you don't need to shoot a gun to finish ME, it is a FPS, so we need some kind of weapon. I got no ideas now, but fireguns are out. Maybe something based on the Sonic universe, such as the fireball he turns into when he got this item on Sonic 3, but nothing solid comes in my mind now.
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Post by Quills on Wheels »

Ahhhh... good old times... This was one of my first threads in RadioSEGA and I remember it didn't start good. And looking back at my old posts, I have changed a lot and I am a lot calmer. :rolleyes:
A Sonic FPS game is still a laugh when I think about it. Who knows, maybe some day, somebody manages to make a mod for Metroid and make it like Sonic (I'm especially saying metroid because of the Morth ball) ^_^ . But It is pretty stupid now that I think about it. :P

Post by tasmwill »

Well, then I revived this thread? :P
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Post by Quills on Wheels »

A better sentence would be you revived the bad memories that I had. :P
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Post by Reknoc »

edit: Just saw shooter in the title. that's awful and you should feel awful by thinking it.
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Post by Quills on Wheels »

Well it was originally meant to be a joke but I forgot to write "Joke" On it and people thought I really meant it and started saying stuff.
And back than, I had first came to Australia and it was before I realized that Persian humor is very different from English and I hadn't gotten used to it yet. So yeah. This thread is more like a nightmare these days.
If mods want, they can close it.
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