Twinny wrote:Heard the Ratchet and Clank HD Collection is loaded with glitches.
The physical PS Vita version is, Ratchet and Clank 2 especially. You can't go from a main planet level to its sub level without the game dumping you back to the home screen. It saves progress re: missions done, but doesn't give you the item you'd get from it nor does it mark the mission as being completed.
It's not gamebreaking in the sense that you can't complete it (I have heard some people being able to Platinum it despite the glitch), but it does stop you from gaining some really useful gadgets.
The digital Vita version, as well as the PS3 version, are fine. I didn't experience any bugs or glitches there.
Reknoc wrote:Tried playing Ultra Street Fighter 4 since the upgrade is FINALLY out on PC along with the full packages. It's a fucking shit port, god damn. So okay, first thing I do is go into training and see what I can do with the new character I was looking forward to; Decapre... nothing as it turns out because I just can't deal with charge characters. Oh well, I'll stick to Cammy so let's go online. Ranked Match: Quick Match... crash to desktop
lets try that again. Ranked Match: Quick Match, crash to desktop
that's right, quick match is broken, this isn't some obscure-ass deep within menus shit, this is like, a main thing and it doesn't even fucking work. So okay, it's work aroundable, lets just search (its probably better than way anyway) and get into a green bar match aaaaaand its a laggy mess. Because apparently the netcode is some SNK busted shit ... y_network/
There are times when I think "Gee willerkers! I should sort myself out with a francy-pants razzle-dazzle PC for playing games on!" and then I see stories like this and I end up with the attitude of "Yeah...No."
USFIV really needs some work done, even CU forums are updating notes as we speak. Its pretty sad that with fan expectation so high, that upgrades consist more on making the game work, than us getting to enjoy it.
And on that note, just going through my library to see what updates I need to catch up on.
Kaito-kun wrote:There are times when I think "Gee willerkers! I should sort myself out with a francy-pants razzle-dazzle PC for playing games on!" and then I see stories like this and I end up with the attitude of "Yeah...No."
Well they've fixed quick match now but it'll still get you into choppy matches. Heard endless lobby is perfect though but I haven't been able to test that.
Kaito-kun wrote:There are times when I think "Gee willerkers! I should sort myself out with a francy-pants razzle-dazzle PC for playing games on!" and then I see stories like this and I end up with the attitude of "Yeah...No."
If you get a PC for gaming on the ground of playing just ports then yes, you will be disappointed sometimes. There are other games to play though so not all bad.
Additionally, it's not like this sort of thing is PC only. Monster Hunter Tri on Wii online was appalling and the UK version options were cut down drastically (Jap: rooms of 10 to UK: rooms of 4).
I'm currently getting hubby to play through Sonic 3 and Knuckles (with me as Tails) because I learnt recently he has not done so yet! Poor deprived boy! D:
Buta wrote: I'm currently getting hubby to play through Sonic 3 and Knuckles (with me as Tails) because I learnt recently he has not done so yet! Poor deprived boy! D:
A life without Sonic 3 and Knuckles is a life unlived! That game is definitely one of, if not my number one, favourite out of every existing Sonic game.
I'm currently giving Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning a whirl on PC (with a controller, of course). I played it on PS3 when it first came out but never got into it much because the story is not so enthralling, but the combat...oh man the combat on that game is so fun. It's nothing even that original or spectacular, it's just satisfying as hell and super responsive, so you feel like you're totally in control of your character kicking monster butt.
S3&K - hands down the best Sonic experience I've had barring SA1 (That game blew my mind purely on the basis that I got it on Dreamcast release day 1 as the only game, and I had never played something so fluid, beautiful and responsive before then!), I will never forget tirelessly playing through S3&K back to back with Sonic, Knuckles and Tails getting all Chaos and Super emeralds to see all the Good Endings... That's replay ability for you right there!! :D
Chukapi, I've had Kingdoms of Amalur on my to-play list for a long time now... it looks right up my street and your comments have helped to confirm my suspicions!
Once I get finished with the beauty that is Dust: An Elysian Tale first, that is!
Faster than the speed of sound, sneaker wearing, chilli dog eating hedgehog with a penchant for industrial scale vandalism, animal activism and jewellery theft. Seems legit.