Chickaroo Reviews: Earthworm Jim HD (PS3)

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Chickaroo Reviews: Earthworm Jim HD (PS3)

Post by chickaroo1 »

A weird and wacky classic is back and in full blown HD! How groovy? Very groovy!

Game: Earthworm Jim HD
Systems: PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade
Release Dates: Xbox Live: 6/09/10 (NA)
PSN: 8/03/10 (NA)
Developers: Gameloft

From Earthworm to Super Worm!
Story: Jim was just your average earthworm until one day, a super suit landed in front of him. Jumping intk the suit, he realizes he can use powers in the suit. And for some apparent reason, it's up to Jim to save Princess What's-Her-Name. (And yes, that's her actual name.)

How Does This Hold Up?
Gameplay: The game is your average 2D platformer. Jim has some basic attacks and moves. He can shoot enemies with his gun, whip enemies with himself (he is an earthworm after all), and jump.
The platforming can be somewhat okay. It's not that bad. But there are sometimes where it can feel stiff. Pretty badly.
If you've played the original, then you probably remember how hard the game was. This time around, you can select your difficulty. Easy, medium, hard and original.
Even on easy, the game is kind of a challenge.
To answer the question, it hasn't aged much.

Clean and Spotless
Graphics: They really cleaned up the original 16-bit game. It's cartoony and smooth. It's really nice to look at. I love it. It looks really good.

Music: The music has also bern redone and sounds smoother. To me it's not as memorable as the original.

A Very Groovy Remake?
Overall: Honestly, this HD port is fun and...not so fun. It’s not really memorable. Some levels are tough as nails while some can be a breeze to run through. The gameplay hasn’t aged well, and the only good part about this game is how the game looks.

Score: 3/5
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