It might sound crazy, but it's absolutely true! How have we missed this before now?!?
It's something that looks to have been known about for a while, but I personally didn't know about it until today, when Tracker_TD of Sonic Wrecks fame stumbled across it himself. For those who haven't yet seen it: There is a Sonic 3D Blast cameo in Dreamcast racer, Metropolis Street Racer.
You'd struggle to find it if you used your eyes, however, as it's not a visual cameo. Nope, it's an audio one, hidden deep beneath the song It Doesn't Really Matter. Upon first listen, nothing really sticks out, but if you was to then listen to Green Grove Zone Act 1 from the SEGA Saturn version of Sonic 3D: Blast...well, listen on:
Yep, it seems as though the chorus in the song does have the melody for Green Grove Act 1 in the background! This shouldn't surprise many, as Richard Jacques composed both soundtracks, but the fact that it's been hidden for so long is quite surprising! It makes you wonder whether there's more cameos to other RJ soundtracks hidden in other tracks....
Again, big thanks to Tracker_TD for bringing this to my attention. You can follow him on Twitter @Tracker_TD, and Richard Jacques himself @Richard_Jacques.
EDIT: Since the publication of this article, I've noticed a number of people saying they already knew of this link. The article has been slightly amended to acknowledge this.
Requests between 9th Sep and 15th Sep