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SEGATHON 4 Charity Broadcast Set, In Support of SpecialEffect

Get set for a weekend of SEGAful fun, frolics & fundrasing for its fourth run!

In November 2011, during the early years of RadioSEGA LiVE, one such presenter embarked on a project never done in the history of the station to that point: a live, 24-hour, single-hosted, charity broadcast called SEGATHON. Saturday Night SEGA host Gavvie took upon the mantle with the first-ever edition of its kind, held in support of BBC Children in Need with £632 raised. SEGATHON returned in May 2013, with a skyrocketing £1,785 raised for Cancer Research UK. About two years later, SEGATHON came back for its third edition in October 2015, the most personal edition to date for Gavvie, and raised a very respectable £1,331 for Marie Curie UK
But as they say, third time’s the charm. And that would’ve been the end of SEGATHON right then and there. 
But we are proud to say: got one more in us.


SET THE DATES: from Saturday, 18th May at 10pm BST to Sunday, 19th May at 10pm BST; for his fourth and final time presenting the event, Gavvie will bring you 24 straight hours of audio entertainment with SEGATHON 4. Complete with special guests, nocturnal-to-energy-starving banter, TONS of SEGA tunes, and above all else, hope for Gamers in need as for 2024, SEGATHON 4 is benefiting the amazing gaming-focused charity SpecialEffect. Our dedicated SEGATHON 4 donation page is active at radiose.ga/SEGATHON, where you can also influence the entire 24 hour stretch with special incentives, at Gavvie’s expense! 
And to kickoff the festivities is special in of itself: The milestone 500th episode of Saturday Night SEGA, our longest-tenured RadioSEGA LiVE show! 
Asked for comment ahead of SEGATHON 4, your master of ceremonies responded:

"SEGATHON means a lot to me - it started off as an experiment to see if I could host a 24 hour radio show, and I decided to raise money for the BBC's Children in Need fund as an additional reason to do it. After it was successful, I started thinking about other causes we could raise money for, which led to SEGATHON 2's Cancer Research UK campaign and SEGATHON 3's Marie Curie UK campaign. I am very proud of the legacy that SEGATHON has and now, after a long break, I'm back for one more go. It feels like it did at the start - like an experiment to see if I can STILL host a 24 hour radio show, whilst at the same time celebrating both Saturday Night SEGA's 500th episode, and the superb work that SpecialEffect do. I'm delighted to be working with them for this year's event, and I hope we can raise lots of cash for them!"

Join us from 10-10pm BST 18th to 19th May for SEGATHON 4 – SEGAful fun, frolics & fundraising!

11th May, 2024 - 05:07 GMT Twinny Article viewed 2654 times 0 Comments


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