Chickaroo Reviews - Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (PS3)

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Chickaroo Reviews - Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (PS3)

Post by chickaroo1 »

Our galactic duo is back once more for a new entry in the Future series! And this time, the duo is going around in time hoping to stop Dr. Nefarious once again and discover the history of the Lombaxes.Game: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Systems: PlayStation 3
Release Dates: 10/27/09 (NA), 11/5/09 (AUS), 11/6/09 (EU), 11/19/09 (JP)
Developers: Insomniac Games
Time Is Running Out
Story: Continuing where Quest for Booty left off, Clank has been kidnapped by the Zoni and is held in an unknown location. Dr. Nefarious is back, and he’s after the Great Clock, a device that restores and keeps time. But remember: it’s not meant to be used as a time machine.
Meanwhile, Ratchet is on the hunt for Clank and discovers that another Lombax is alive. His name is General Azimuth and he says he knows Ratchet's dad. He also states that he can use the Great Clock to reverse time and restore the Lombaxes. So now it's up to Ratchet, Azimuth and Clank to save the Clock and stop Nefarious!
More of the Same, But More to the Mix
Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty similar to Tools of Destruction, but with more of an emphasis on space exploration (which I’ll explain in a bit).
For the first half of the game, Ratchet and Clank are split up. Ratchet will be going from planet to planet like normal while Clank will be stuck at the Great Clock. So be forewarned when jumping around as Ratchet.
Ratchet’s sections are still the same as previous games. Running around from planet to planet getting things and leveling up weapons. What’s new to the table is that while transitioning from planet to planet is being able to control your ship and fly around and your leisure. You can fly to smaller planets and get weapon mods, Zonis, and gold bolts. Zonis can help upgrade your ship the more you collect. While flying around, you can use the D-Pad to change radio stations. There are 4 stations: Deep Space Jams (jazz / big band), House of Synth (electronica), Pirate Radio (pirate news and rock music), and Polaris Classic (classical). These are always pretty neat to listen to (as I am a jazz fan).
Battle arenas are back. They’re split into championships with a few challenges to do in each championship. These are always a great way to level up weapons.
And now for the Clank sections, which are more prominent in this game. Clank gets to run around the Great Clock. He has a bit of a triple floaty jump. Not only that but he has a staff that can help repair time and defeat enemies. There are also time puzzles to solve using time pads to record yourself opening certain doors and such. These are tricky but fun. There’s another puzzle where you restore time on planets by using your staff as a laser beam and turning all the little yellow beams to blue beams.
Bigger, Better, And More Fluffier
Graphics: Oh my goodness, this is a pretty game. This is a big jump from Tools of Destruction to this. The fur on Ratchet look so much better, the metal on Clank looks so shiny and everyone just looks so much better. The coloring and the details look great.
Aw Yeah- This is My Space Jams!
Music: The soundtrack to this game is pretty damn good. Especially the radio stations I mentioned above. They’re fun to listen to as you’re driving around space and collecting stuff on the little planets nearby. The music during the Great Clock sections sound mysterious and amazing. This is one soundtrack you can’t miss!
Music is composed by Boris Salchow.
Another Fine Future Game?
Overall: A Crack in Time is an excellent game. There's lots to do and much to collect. Though I didn't like the weapon selection. The story is also very good and reveals more about Ratchet and Clank. Overall, a fun game for PlayStation 3 owners and Ratchet & Clank fans.
4 / 5
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