The launch of the SEGA Saturn was a major milestone in console gaming as it finally meant that SEGA’s impressive library of arcade games could finally be done justice on a home console. Amongst the games brought over was Manx TT Superbike, jointly developed by SEGA’s AM3 & AM4 teams and released in the arcade in 1995.
The game’s setting is on the world famous Isle of Man TT motorcycle racing course. There are two different courses to suit the calibre of the player – the Laxey Coast course for novices and the Time Trial course for those who really know their way around the game! The key is to memorise every turn to beat the computer players, your best time and your mates on two player!
It may be short with only two courses, but the game’s execution is superb and this game will keep you beating your best time for a long time. If you’ve got a Saturn and love racing games, you really need to get yourself a copy of Manx TT Superbike (and if you can find it in the arcade it’s even better!)
Requests between 6th Jan and 12th Jan