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The SonicNews Show

Explaining The Downtime

Explaining the show (again) and the recent downtime

Okay, seeing as how I'm being forced to write this (people probably won't pay attention to this anyway), I have to explain some things. I hate for my first blog post for the show to be like this, but I feel this needs to be explained (again).

The SonicNews Show is a casual show. It's literally just an hour of me rambling. I could care less if it gets a ton of viewers. If it gets just 2 viewers, cool. It's a fun show  It's not meant to be serious, and I have fun just kicking back and relaxing for an hour and just saying what's on my mind. It's so casual that I don't even take off-season breaks. While other shows may be off for a few months because of seasons, my show doesn't do that. The seasons end whenever, and when they do I'll typically start the next season a week later.

However, the one drawback to the show and its format is that it doesn't take a whole lot for a show to be cancelled that week. Sometimes it will be my sleep schedule, sometimes my depression, sometimes a ton of background noise, and sometimes there's another event going on that I need to focus on. It happens. No big deal. However, sometimes bad luck will strike and this may happen for a while, like it has lately. But, unfortunately, people seem to have a problem with this. I realize it may be frustrating to not see the show on a weekly basis, but it's frustrating for me, too. But it's stuff that I just can't fix.

Here's the thing, though. I want to do the show. I want to have fun with you guys for an hour. And to be honest, promoting the show got no attention whatsoever. Any tweets I make related to the show go largely unnoticed. I made a lot of tweets about the show in the month or so after it premiered on RadioSEGA, and no one cared. Some of these tweets included the status of the show that week. Again, no one cared. So I gave up. Why bother doing this work if 0 see it? And even then, it's no big deal. The show must go on and I still have fun doing the show itself.

Which leads me to the main reason why I'm writing this. It seems the only time people care about the show is when it's cancelled now and I've been getting a lot of criticism for this. I realize it has been a while since I've done a show, but the intention isn't to "string you along" or upset you. It's because the show is very casual and I have no intentions of making a show that big of a deal, because it isn't that big of a deal. The show is scheduled for every week, yes, but that's just it. It's scheduled. I'm not going to tell you the show will happen or not until I'm 100% sure. It's another reason why I don't go out of my way to promote the show, because I don't guarentee anything.

I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm being reckless, arrogant, or even selfish, but that's not the intention. It's just how the show has always been, and I've explained that many times in the past. If it's not to your liking, then sorry. There's no doubt in my mind that there may be other shows on RadioSEGA you may prefer. But I'm not taking a break from the show just because it's not a regular thing. I want it to be every week, but that won't happen all the time, and there's nothing I can do when things come up. As I've said already, I want to do the show. It's not so simple as "just do it", because I don't want to mislead you guys by saying "the show will happen" when that can obviously change at the last minute. If this turns you away from the show, then I'm sorry.

I just wanted to set the record straight here, and I hope this clears things up. But, to be honest, I'm done repeating myself

21st July, 2016 - 03:56 GMT SSF1991 Article viewed 1187 times 1 Comments


AIAI1980 21st July, 2016 - 10:04

Thanks for the post it clears alote of things up that I kind of assumed but didn't know and I learnt more which is good. I'm really sorry I'm one of those that moaned at a show being cancelled, I was being selfish, thinking my time is being wasted, it wasn't just turning my computer no show ok turn it off only 10 mins. I think I was sad because the show was really good and was sad there wasn't another one yet. Problem is a live show needs to be known if it's on or not for people to come on. I hope you don't mind but im going to give some advice feel free to take it or leave it. One option could be to just record the show when you like and then either just have it as a podcast only or after you make it have it on radiosega at a time you advertise so you can chat with friends on irc while it's playing. Obviously that has lots of holes in that plan. Another idea could be to have it after another show live so if you where free say after clubsega show you could do it straight or just after. With this if the show is cancelled no probs, if it's on its a bonus. Most of all though it's your show so it's up to you. Hope it all works out.


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